Apocalypse Here
Published in February 2024 by Lit Kit Press - A follow-up to The Future of Love. A collection of lyrical essays, poems, and photos exploring living in a small rural Minnesota town in the Driftless region during social and spiritual unrest, climate change, and global and personal tragedies. Interwoven in the text are reflections on rural living, Blackness, Indigeneity, queerness, mothering, spirituality, climate change, ancestors, fugitivity, and desire. The book is based on text that I performed in 2022 for the Apocalypse Here multimedia installations and readings.

Published in December 2023 by Last Press - A local literary fine press producing hand-made limited editions. A less-than-full-length book of lyrical essays about grief, ancestry and resurrection while living in Minnesota.

The Future of Love
Published in October 2021 - Self-published because of financing from a Rural Futures grant from Springboard for the Arts. A collection of essays, poems, images and prompts about living on the margins in rural Minnesota during a series of global crises - while mothering a teenage daughter. It is poetry as mutual aid. Interwoven in the texts are reflections on being Black, Indigenous, queer, nonbinary, Muslim with mental health challenges. The prompts/questions invite the reader to self-reflect on their own personal crises, on history, land, and what the future of love looks like.

This is How We Survive: Revolutionary Mothering, War, and Exile in the 21st Century
Published in 2019 by PM Press - Written in Winona, MN - Memoir chronicling my experiences working in conflict zones and with liberatory, resistance communities as a journalist, human rights worker and midwife in the US Midwest , Palestine, Egypt, Chiapas, Berlin, while mothering my young daughter, Aza.

Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Front Lines
Published in 2016 by PM Press - Co-edited anthology and contributed a couple of essays about mothering and the tradition of southern Black midwifery. The anthology is about how marginalized mothers of color create a generous space for life in the face of life-threatening limits, activate a powerful vision of the future while navigating tangible concerns in the present, move beyond individual narratives of choice toward collective solutions, live for more than ourselves, and remain accountable to a future that we cannot always see.

No God But Ghosts
Published in 2015 by Dinah Press - Chapbook - These poems are in response to living with revolutions and uprisings in the Middle East and Africa.

Monsters and Other Silent Creatures
Published in 2015 by Dinah Press - Chapbook - These poems were written in response to the Wikileaks video, ‘Collateral Murder,’ which showed an Apache helicopter in Iraq opening fire on civilians, including two Iraqi journalists. This pamphlet explores the paths of war, love, trauma, desire, wanting, distance, and memories through the voices of a U.S. soldier and the lover he leaves behind.